
Yes, You Can Be White and Latino at the Same Time Despite White Supremacy
Joey Pierre Joey Pierre

Yes, You Can Be White and Latino at the Same Time Despite White Supremacy

Contrary to what white supremacy has taught us, you can be white and "Latino" simultaneously. I understand how upsetting this might be to many (unknowingly white and "light-skin") Latinos. However, it is necessary to understand our racial identity to show up responsibly and ethically for Black liberation. As the amazing Black-Latine feminist Lutze Segu (aka: The Social Justice Doula) rhetorically asked of white-Latine, "how can you be my ally when you're avoiding your whiteness?"

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Why do White Children Whisper “Black People”
Joey Pierre Joey Pierre

Why do White Children Whisper “Black People”

Since white supremacy is the default of our U.S. American society and racism a by-product, it is no surprise that white children grow up into adulthood with (often) unchallenged racial biases. One way the racial prejudice of white children manifests is by perniciously whispering "Black people" in conversation. One implication is that Blackness is something that we need to be quiet about because it's inherently bad—like we learn at a young age to not say ‘bad words,’ like b**ch, sh*t, or the ‘F’ word.

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“If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”

― Toni Morrison