How to Avoid Being Called Racist This Halloween Season
Although the season is meant to be fun spirited, we're bound to encounter people who take it too far in the costume department. People's lack of care and problematic racial and cultural sensibilities reveal themselves and create a mockery out of the so-called costumes they adorn. Karen will dress up with an Indigenous headdress; Chad will wear blackface, and Becky will style her hair in cornrows.
Three Ways White People Passively Engage in and Perpetuate Racism Every Day
When it comes to white supremacy and racism, many white people exclaim that there's nothing we can do. The legend goes that we're defenseless little lambs against the vicious wolf that is racism. A collective and contagious sigh is released from white people when we think about racism.
How White People Promote the Legacy of Minstrel Shows By Using AAVE
I know this will be a tough pill to swallow, so resist the urge to “cancel” me, white people. We need to talk about one of the ways anti-Blackness casually manifests itself, and that’s through our use of African American Vernacular English (AAVE). We’ve become too comfortable in our appropriation of AAVE and ignorantly take its rich history for granted.
“If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison